Following is a typical list of roles, responsibilities and duties that a Company Secretary does:
- Managing Indian and foreign Shareholders’ share certificates / meetings / dividend related matters
- Legal compliances under various laws
- Coordination in legal documentation / legal issues in various agreements of the Company
- Acts as the compliance officer
- Filing of applications, if required to the ROC / CLB / Regional Director (Western Region)
- Authentication of annual accounts i.e. Balance Sheet and P & L Account.
- Signing and authentication of annual return
- Preparation and Filing of various returns / forms with tax authorities / ROC.
- Maintenance & updation of various Statutory Registers viz. Register of Director, Register of Director’s, Shareholding, Register of Contracts, Register of Charges
- Maintaining and safe custody of Minutes Books of Board, General Body Meetings
- Timely Compliance of various Corporate Actions viz
- Payment of dividend
- Monitoring the reconciliation of dividend account
- Split up of Shares
- Transfer of Shares
- Transmission of shares
- Directors’ Meeting every Quarterly : Preparation of Draft Agenda, circulation of finalised agenda, coordinating for arrangement of the meeting, preparation and finalising minutes of the meeting (MOM).
- Annual General Meetings : Preparation of Draft Notice, preparation of draft directors’ report, dispatch of finalised Notice and annual report to the shareholders of the company, co-ordinating for the meeting arrangements and conducting shareholders’ meeting
Now, while you have a list of your duties, hope you check if you do your job right.