- Read only study material.
- If wanna refer other books,refer only for practical subject i.e company & cost A/Cs for which graduation BCOM books are sufficient,other than that ill let you know if any other good book comes into my knowledge.
- You can also refer GIRISH AHUJA for CA/CS for Income tax.
- you must take a scanner to see previous years questions and solve them ,that really helps to get done with the syllabus.
- Prepare thoroughly for executive level.It is not as easy as Foundation Programme.
54 thoughts on “General Tips”
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hello madam ,
does banking and insurance go well with c.s??
thanks Ashwin
Hi Priyanka,
Please visit http://www.icsi.edu for details regarding registration, course fees and so on. You can register yourself for the ‘Executive’. Since you have done your B.Com, it would not be difficult for you to clear. There are two modules in the Executive; you have the option of giving both together or taking any one. Now, this solely depends upon you. I would advise you to concentrate module-wise, as it would be very easier to clear. Enjoy passing
pass mark in each paper is 40% but on an average you have to get 50%.
If you fail in any paper then you have to give the entire group again but if in a any paper you have got above 60% then you need not give that paper even if you have failed in that group.
Now lets say there are 2 Group of 3 papers each in a group.Group I-Paper APaper BPaper CGroup II-Paper DPaper EPaper FNow in the exam you obtain the following marksGroup I-Paper A – 40Paper B – 65Paper C – 32Group II-Paper D – 60Paper E – 50Paper F – 40
Now that you have failed in Paper C you have to give group I again but you will be exempted from paper B as you have scored above 60%.
Since you have passed in all the papers in group II and you average in group II is also greater than 50% i.e. (60+50+40) = 50% average so you need not give group II again.
Now in the next esam you will have to give only paper A and paper C and score above 40 % in each paper and above 50 % on the average of paper A and paper C when you given next time.
All the best ahead.
I have done me MBA in finance, Do i need to give module 1 of executive program. Or can i just give module 2? also can we apply online?
I am thinking to do for executive program as i m graduate from DU. But i want to know if in case in a group i can not clear all papers then i would have to prepare for all exams or only for that in which i got less marks. plz let me know.
for dec.2011 exam
plz tell me mam , why most of the students prefer ca or icwa & not prefer cs????plesa give me reason….
helllo mam,
is it possible that can i take direct admission in executive programme during last year of my graduation
can any one jst tel me how to prepare for it in 20 days….i ll b highly grateful
hello.m a cs student due to certain reasons i couldnt prepare for my dec attmpt exams.i want to clear both the modules of cs exectve prgrm.plzzzzzzzz help me suggest wht i can in 20 days to clear me exam.i want to clear it in this atmpt anyhow…help………plzzz
hello madam i am mcom student and i i want to prepare for cs executive programme so please tell me how i prepare for this and also one problem to me that i know my registration no but i dont received any reg letter or books from instiitue till so please tell me when i appeared for exem and what was next procedure after registration ?
i have completed my Bsc in 2002. now i want to do CS. so pls guide me to prepare executive program in JUNE 2012 Exam
can uh give me the link where i getthe amendments in service tax,direct tax for december 2011 examination
I hav completed my B. Com & MBA.. I hav joined my ACS now.. I am gng to take up my executive exams on june 2012..I hav enough time to study but i dunno has how to prepare for the exams.. Kindly help……
I have just cleared my CS foundation exam n registered for executive,i will be appearing in june session.Can u peaple help me how to get the best of it,i want to pass this exam with distinction marks…n m persuing BBA -2nd yr
Dear Friends
shall u pls sujest me about CS…i'e what are the subjects include on that course & which institute is better to do CS in Karnataka.pls…i am also one of the humble student for doing CS…pls rply to my E-mail…
yours Faithfully
shall u pls sujest me about CS…i'e what are the subjects include on that course,& which institute is better to do CS in Karnataka.pls…i am also one of the humble student for doing CS…
yours Faithfully
Dear Madam,
I have got enough information for my paper presentation on CS . I am in finals now , i would like to know about training process and study materials information .
I would be glad to know .
Ritesh sharma
Thanks Manant for encouragement
Thanks a lot
how much does the scanners cost????
are thy really useful
hi , friends
i doing cs i need good book for tax law and company accounts pl suggest me
hii deepty the same problem was with me but patiencly i waited for the right time. and got the breakthrough. as i m also a working professional and i know the value of c.s in the corporate world. Due to some reasons i dint manage to continue my c.s course, but now i m setteled and going to give december attempt with full preparation. one thing more no need to scare work harder.
Hello there,
I am a B.COM Graduate (june 2010) with 73 % , more over i am working in a technology co. as a pre sales employee from 3 months. I just wanted to go for CS Programe and i would prefer self study as i don't have much time while working. I will give DEC 2013 exam.
Please let me know, what is the exam date? What should i do for registration? what books should I consult (the best to study for CS exams)? Subject weightage?What should be my first step?Course fee? course time?
Also tell me what procedure is followed in registration and everything about the exams which i
should know.
I also have confusions regarding giving exam module wise -one-by-one…
please help!
can an graduate student of commerce is eligible to executive program if the % of graduation is less than 50
Dear Friends,
I am a science graduate and I have enrolled myself for CS Executive program.
Most of the topics I have cleared myself. I got some scanners as well for preparation.
My question is that is there any better / best guides so that I can acquaint myself for the examinations. After a long gap I have taken admission to this course. ie. since the year 2004.
This will be my first examination after 2004 so, please give me some tips for the examinations and how to maintain the time in the examination hall.
Dear ma’am,
I had cleared foundation way back in 2009 and could not take up executive program due to certain personal problems. At last, I’ve decided to take up this Dec-2011 examinations. I’ve an MBA degree and I’ve also done B.com, with separate papers in cost, management and financial accounting and also I’ve scored more than 50%. Can I claim an exemption in Paper 2 of Module 1? If so, then what benefits will I reap apart from not writing that particular paper? How should I try concentrating on the rest of the papers? Please advise.
Dear Mam
I have completed my MBA (Finance) in 2007 with 60% & BCA (Graduation) in 2004 with 54%.I did my UG & PG through correspondence.I have some queries:
Can i get direct admission in CS EXECUTIVE Programme?
Self study is sufficient to complete this course?
Is this course too tough? I am married lady & have to see other aspects of life.
Actually I could not get good carrer opportunity after completing MBA.I am little disappointed & want to give one more chance for myself.
could you please suggest a goood coaching centre for executive programme in jaipur?
I would also like to know what other courses can i do along-side BBI. Please advise.
Hello mam,
My name is Samy and im here to enquire about the CS course. I have just finished my 12th and have applied for B.B.I course, i.e. Bachelors of banking and Insurance. Im thinking of doing the CS course along with B.B.I. Is that a good choice? Or will it be too much of a burden? im having 2nd thoughts. I dont just want to do B.B.I. so i thought about CS as i found it interesting. What would you suggest?
Hello Unmesh,
Well for getting good scores you should prepare in extreme the 1st group of executive coz that is comparatively more easy than the second group and also more scoring so if have it in your hands than there is a good probability to get cleared in exams in one attempt.
For second group go through the study mat. as thoroughly as possible.Study Hard and All The Best.
For any more queries keep writing.
Kratika Goel
Hello sanjay,
No you can not get any exemption in accounts paper of module 1 of executive programme.
Kratika Goel
Hello himakshi,
Welcome to kratika.wordpressmu-855765-2955010.cloudwaysapps.com,well as for your first ques., yes the study mat would be provided to you from the institute and study mat is in itself complete to prepare for the course.As far as coaching classes are concerned in my opinion you should go for it, coz preparing by yourself is possible but if you take coaching your concepts would get more clear.
Kratika Goel
Hello malvika,
First of all for getting direct admission to executive programme you need clear your graduation in whole,i.e you need to have your final year passed marksheet ,therefore in your case you can not get direct admission to executive programme this time,so you have two options either register yourself for the course after getting passed in your b-com final year exams or get admission to foundation programme if you do not want to wait as far as study mat is concerned you will get it from the institute after getting registered for the course.
My suggestion is that you give your back this year clear your b-com,register for CS by Feb 2012 for appearing in Dec 2012 exams and during this period keep preparing for Executive level.
Kratika Goel
Hello sir/mam
i was suppose to complete my graduation this year,bt as due to some unavoidable circumstances i was unable to clear 1 paper of my bcom final yr. I want to prepare 4 executive prgram through personal coachings,from where shal i get d study mat? Wil i get direct admisn 4 executive? Plzzz help:-(
After regiatration are we going to get study material from icsi or we have to get it frm outside..If study material is provided by icsi will tht be enough to prepare for executive programme.Is coaching or classes is required for getting clear in exam or one can prepare it easily if sincere with studies
i have done b.com and m.com from panjab university in 52% marks.. can i get exemption in accounts paper of module 1 of executive programme.
Hello mam
I have complted MBA [Fin] & currently doing full time job. Appeared for CS -Executive Program Dec 2011 Examination i can not attend class due to job. So your suggestion for getting good scores in exam
hey nahush,
yes it is certainly possible to do so.If you wish to give 1 group in June 2011 just fill the exam form for that group only.
for any further query keep writing.
Kratika Goel 🙂
hey anupreet,
first of all congrats for passing foundation exam !
well don’t be confused about executive level and think if you will able to manage studying both the groups together or not.further as per the passing criteria of CS institute you need just overall 50% marks to clear all the exams if you give all 6 papers together in which you need to score at least 40 marks in each paper,therefore giving all papers together is beneficial from this point of view,on the other hand if you give one group at a time than you need to score 50% marks in both groups individually.
So i told you the criteria now its up to you to think what you have to do.For any further query keep writing
Kratika Goel 🙂
hey prakash,
Hru there,
well both of your questions means one and the same thing that is last year papers are enough to study is not the answer is no you should go through the study material at least once and for group two it is necessary to go through the latest amendments and current examples to earn very good marks,or otherwise through study of study mat. is necessary for at least passing the exams.
I suggests solving scanner just to get through with the exam pattern and how much is necessary to write for each question,what marks each question carry etc.
Kratika Goel 🙂
I have two question regarding cs excutive programme
1 Only solve scanner is enough for overall study
2 Can i solve last 5 years papers. this is enough.
the both the things enough for exam point of view. for passing???
please send me answer on my email. please tell me…….
i have just given cs foundation exam,i am in confusion about executive level….. will i prefer both groups at once or not?………
hello mam
i passed my foundation programme in june 2010. I have to give the executive programme exams in june 2011. Is it possible that i can give one module now in june 2011 and the other module in december 2011 ???????
i want book name for company&cost a/c for practise of cs executive
hello seetha,
Well i for sure understand your confusion 'cause definitely this is not an easy course to do but you must have heard that 'when there is a will there is a way',if you are really inclined to do this course you will be able to do it.
As for your second ques taking tuition is really not a very must thing for pursuing this course bcoz most of the subjects are theory so many people do it without coaching too,but according to me an expert guidance makes you understand the concepts thoroughly and also helps you to assume what's more important from exam point of view.So acc. to me you should seek some guidance.
wish you all the luck in life….! 🙂
Hello Madam,
I have finished my B.com in first class in the year 2005 and after a long gap wanted to do this coures,but confused, because many says it is a tough coures,and do i need tutions .Please sugest me.
thanking you.
hey jaideep,
welcome to my website,
you want to know if in case your exemption would harm your scoring, in that case i would like to say that you have enough knowledge of law and by that i assume you would not be having any difficulty in getting gelled up with the subjects of CS course.Therefore you should not be worrying about your scoring in exams,off course you are going to score well.
But for the sake of your query i must tell that you will have to score 50% in both the groups of executive individually,the rule of scoring 50% in totality if you give both the groups together doesn't apply to you.So you both have an advantage and disadvantage over here.
Advantage-one less subject to prepare.
Disadvantage-you will have to score 50% in each group individually.
hope i was able to guide you as per your requirement.
Kratika 🙂
hello sir, i have completed my BSL.LLB. I am going to have enrolled myself for company secretaryship course. would like to give me guidance and if i am going to have exception in one subject will that harm my scoring in examination.
not finding answer for test papers of foundation course of company secretary…..pls. help
heya alok,
well you will get study material from the institute itself when you will register yourself for the course.you can send your registration form via post or can fill your form and collect your study material from institute's head office at noida.If u send your form via post then u will receive your study mat. via registered post.
further u asked abt hw to prepare for the course for that u can go through the leave comment section of my blog you will get most of your queries answered there.
if in case nt then leave your further query in that section.
gud day
kratika 🙂
I have completed my B.com with Management from Mumbai University. I would like to know how can I prepare well for the executive program?
Where can I get the study material?