‘Transformers: Age of Extinction‘ is the fourth installment of sci-fiction action film franchise the Transformers. Scheduled for release on June 27, 2014, starring Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz (Katara of The Last Airbender) and Jack Reynor as human lead.
As a sequel to Transformers: Dark of the Moon, the film takes place four years after the Chicago invasion.
This is the first film in the series to feature an entirely new human cast along with the Dinobots. Returning Transformers include Optimus Prime, Bumblebee and Ratchet.
Director: Michael Bay
Producer: Steven Spielberg (executive producer)
Writer: Ehren Kruger
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Nicola Peltz, Jack Reynor, Kelsey Grammer, Sophia Myles, Stanley Tucci