Who we are?
We are a group of ‘common people’, who created Goelji.com keeping in mind our right of self-expression.
ok, that was political a bit..
Goelji.com is a journal to keep content that we find interesting in one place and share it with others and makes possible new connections with like minded people.
Who could join this website?
Anyone, anyone who who’d like to …./ coz you don’t have to pay anything. Entire site is absolutely FREE to use.
How we support our self?
Often we are asked this question. For the record we (me and my team) have our ways to run our families like some salary based jobs etc. 🙂
We are the only Online Magazine in India (written by readers) that has started offering this unique social network for professionals. We understand that people do love to write poems, articles, issues and creative deep thoughts, but seldom get a chance to find a real publisher. We offer you that publisher, and not only that, we offer you free extreme publicity, as each writing you post here at Goelji.com goes by the same author name and photo as you register on the website with.
We also publicize each article on Facebook, Twitter and other social media, so nobody miss any article.