Singer Jessica Simspon and Britney Spears are hardly seen together at any Hollywood hotspot together but when they met at the Teen Choice Awards this Sunday, it was definitely a scene.
Jessica was hosting eighth annual Teen Choice Awards, whereas Britney showed up at the award function to introduce her husband Kevin Federline, whose first performance as a rapper was scheduled that night. Both the lovely ladies met backstage and Jess asked Britney if she could kiss her pregnant belly. Britney started making faces and yelled straight away “Hell, no!”
An onlooker says Jessica’s facial expression also changed, she was feeling insulted but Britney didn’t allow her to kiss her belly.
It wasn’t a big deal, may be Britney was a bit strained at that moment that is why she reacted like this. She has been continuously criticized for her looks these days so showing up onstage wasn’t easy for her and may be Britnry also knew that she is going to lie onstage as Kevin is not that good.
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I like this couple more every time I see them. Hope it turns out perfect for them. Good luck to Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson. May you both stay happy
A minder suing Britney for millions because of sexual harrassment? I find it hard to be sorry for a bodyguard who says he is being picked on.
Imagine what it is like being in Britney's position where she isn't even allowed to be alone with her kids. It will be good if she stops blaming her dad for it and works on showing everyone that she is an effective mum.
Please don't check with an astrologer Britney! When your relationship is developing problems you are supposed to go to a marriage guidance councellor.