WordPress 2.7 Admin Bar

Recently we upgraded Goelji.com to WordPress MU 2.7. And, along came someWPMU-admin-bar

In WordPressMU 2.7 there is a new admin bar. It has settings so users can see it on the admin panel side if they are logged in, and a wonky bit to switch between blogs that may have a few bugs.

For any reason if you don’t want it then here’s how to disable it.

Go to wp-config.php and edit it (you will get it in the root of WordPressMU installation).

Find the following lines in wp-config.php

// Uncomment to disable the site admin bar
//define( ‘NOADMINBAR’, 1 );

Now, uncomment the second line i.e. remove those // in front of the word “define”?
That’s it. BINGO!

In a freshly installed copy of WPMU 2.7, you’ll find these lines in wp-config.php when WPMU is up and running.
In case of upgraded WPMU 2.7, check the config-sample.php and make sure you copy these lines into your existing wp-config file.

2 thoughts on “WordPress 2.7 Admin Bar”

  1. Tanveer Rahaman

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    Tanveer Rahaman.

    H.R Logistics pvtLtd


  2. Tanveer Rahaman

     I am interested in Haldiram products for c/fa for Hyderabad please contact us at tanzz57@rediffmail:disqus. com
    Tanveer Rahaman.
    H.R Logistics pvtLtd

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